IZC - News #2

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to make a quick news update about the progress regarding the game. As always, I've been super busy learning Unity and C#. I learned about ScriptableObjects, UI, Namespaces and a lot more. I'd like to share what I've done so far now!

Enemy Scriptable Objects

I created a scriptable object as a type of enemy. This way I can actually make randomized enemies easier.

Entity Name - I can make this called anything I want and you'd see it in the game as that name

Entity Health - This can be modified at a runtime, so the base health is 7 but if you encounter it more than once they level up too, as you do!

Entity Sprite - I can finally make unlimited amount of random images for one enemy, maybe they'll be holding a crowbar, or a machete next time you encounter them! In the future, I'd like to make the base stats react to the sprite, so if they're holding a gun, their stats would be increased, rather when they were holding a crowbar.

Next up: UI elements!

I finally learned about UI elements and how they're pivoted/positioned. The new UI will be much more cleaner, and tidier. For me, as a gamer, it's very important to have a good user interface. The hierarchy looks like this, but it makes sense to me, haha

Everything is neatly organized and parented. Maybe I overkilled it with naming conventions, but it does make sense to me!

This is how the current UI and the game looks like:

Next up: The Upgrades!

So the upgrades are also a Scriptable Object which contains data, so I can use it as I wish.

It looks like this:

Let's take a look.

We got Currency Upgrade Name - The name of the current upgrade. This is "Sharp Claws"

Currency Upgrade Level - It is the current level of the purchased upgrade, as we start with 0 I set it to 0

Then comes the Currency Upgrade Price - This is set to 1 by default, it scales according to how many levels your upgrades has, etc.

Next, we have Damage Type. It is an Enumerator. I can select whether the upgrade is going to increase Damage Per Click or Damage Per Second. It makes it easier for me to create new upgrades. There will be also modifiers to this in the future.

Then we got last two. Currency Upgrade Damager Per Click and Currency Upgrade Damage Per Second. This is an integer saying how damage boost we will get when we purchase the upgrade!

It all doesn't really mean anything to you, gamers, but it does make my life a lot easier as a dev, this way I can manipulate values of each upgrade without having to create new prefabs for each purchase!

I am so excited to release the new update with a lot of more features and QOL updates.

Thank you so much for reading,


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